Journal Club, Monday April 6, 1 pm, via Zoom

Journal Club, Monday, Mar 9, 1 pm Beckman 3169

Join us for our  second Journal Club of the semester. AJ Christensen will be presenting on Lewandowsky et al, 2012, Misinformation and its correction: influence and successful debiasing.

We will be meeting at our regular meeting time/room for the semester, 3169 Beckman, on Monday 3/9  at 1 pm.

You’re welcome to attend if you don’t have a chance to read the article!

Journal Club, February 2/24, in 3169 Beckman at 1 pm!

Join us for our first Journal Club of the semester. Karthik Yarlagadda will be presenting on Ocobock and Hawley, 2020, Science on tap: Effective public engagement or preaching to the choir?

We will be meeting at our regular meeting time/room for the semester, 3169 Beckman, on MOnday 2/24 at 1 pm.

You’re welcome to attend if you don’t have a chance to read the article!

Journal Club, November 20, noon in 4169 Beckman

Journal Club, November 6, noon in 4169 Beckman!

Join us for a journal club presentation by Gaby Ibarra on Scheufele and Krause (2019), Science audiences, misinformation, and fake news.

We will be meeting in our regular meeting/time room for this semester, Wednesday at noon in 4169 Beckman.

You’re welcome to attend even if you don’t have a chance to read the article!

Journal Club: Wednesday, November 28

Social Media for Scientists: #Tweetyourscience

Social Media for Scientists: #Tweetyourscience 

 Wednesday November 14, 1:00-3:30pm

204 Loomis

Social media presence is increasingly important as one of the ways in which scientists can reach broader audiences. Whether you are a newbie on Twitter or a frequent user looking to increase your reach to different audiences, this workshop will have something for you. Students, postdocs, faculty, and staff are all welcome. Mike Firmand of the Graduate College will spend the first hour on the topic of creating an effective online presence, followed by a panel with peer scientists from campus who have garnered a strong Twitter following to share their experience. We will conclude with breakout activities to put to practice different aspects of Twitter engagement. Attendance is free but please register so that we can plan for refreshments.

Please register here by November 12 if possible:

This event is a joint effort between the Illinois MRSEC, Beckman Institute’s 21st Century Scientists, and the Graduate College.

21 Sci Workshop: The Gift of Conflict: Conflict Engagement Inside (and Outside) the Lab

The Gift of ConflictConflict engagement inside (and outside) the lab
Mikhail Lyubansky, Ph.D., Univ. of Illinois
April 20, 2018, 1-2:50pm, Room 2269 Beckman Institute

Sponsored by the 21st Century Scientists Initiative at Beckman
Please note: this workshop will immediately follow Sandra Loh’s Lecture.

This workshop will create conditions for exploring:

  • the importance of walking towards conflict
  • strategies for moving from judgment to connection during challenging encounters
  • the ways to finding a win-win during conflicts and heated interactions
  • the underlying meaning of “hard to hear” messages
  • building containers for dialogue

About Restorative Justice and Restorative Circles:

Restorative Justice is a roughly 40-year international movement consisting of a variety of different restorative practices from all over the world, many of which have indigenous roots. While the specifics vary from practice to practice, at the heart, restorative practices provide an alternative (or additional) approach to the punitive systems that currently dominate most Western mainstream societies’ approach to crime and conflict. Rather than focusing on assigning blame and administering punishment, restorative practices typically bring together the parties involved and impacted by what happened for the purpose of mutual understanding (of what happened and the harm that occurred) and working together to fix the harm and, if appropriate, restore the relationships. Restorative Circles are a specific restorative practice developed in the favelas of Brazil by Dominic Barter and his associates.

About Mikhail Lyubansky:

Mikhail is a professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Illinois. His work is broadly focused on conflict and restorative responses to conflict in a variety of different contexts, including schools, organizations, and intentional communities. As part of Conflict 180 (co-founded with Elaine Shpungin), he supports schools, organizations, and workplaces in developing restorative strategies for engaging conflict, building conflict facilitation skills and evaluating the outcomes associated with restorative responses.

Logistics:  The workshop will be April 20th 2018 from 1-3pm at the Beckman Institute, room 2269.  Contact Kate Clancy with any questions or to share accommodation needs.

Journal Club, Monday, 3/12

Journal Club Monday, November 13!