
21st Century Scientists Workshop

The 21st Century Scientist working group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is excited to invite you to our 3rd annual workshop!

The 21st Century Scientist Workshop:

The Future of Science Communication in a Post-Factual World 

Friday, April 7, 2017, 8:30am – 5pm
Beckman Institute, Room 1005
405 North Mathews Ave
Urbana, IL 61801


We welcome Rose Eveleth as our keynote speaker! Rose Eveleth is a science writer and the producer and host of the popular podcast Flash Forward.

Lunch is provided.

This exciting conference is being put together by a dedicated team of faculty, graduate students, and staff across departments at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. This effort is financially supported by The Beckman Institute and the Focal Point Initiative.

Preliminary Schedule:

8:30-9:00: Registration

9:00-10:20: Rose EvelethDesign Thinking of Science Communication: What can science communicators learn from folks who design futures? A whole lot, it turns out. Design thinking is all about storytelling, examining where people come from, what they might need, and how they might use or misuse something. To create a piece of the future is all about telling the right stories in the right way, to convince people of your vision, your concept, your tomorrow. We’ll use design thinking exercises to examine story building in a variety of formats.

10:30-12:00: Dr. Joycelyn Landrum-Brown: Building bridges and intergroup understanding in a post-factual context The workshop will be inspired by the work of George Lakoff examining the neuroscience of bias along with worldview, empathy, and perspective-taking.

12:00-1:15 Lunch is provided! Chat with other workshop participants and our invited guests!

1:15-2:00 C.K. GunsalusThe Culture of Science and the Responsible Conduct of Research

2:00-2:45 Liana Aghajanian: title TBA

3:00-4:00  Public Keynote (Beckman Auditorium) Rose Eveleth The Future is for Everyone How do we build futures and imagine tomorrows that include everybody? Why do kitchens of the future still imagine women staying home and doing the cooking? Who really wants to live forever? Why do facial recognition systems fail to see people of color? Too often our imagined tomorrows are monochromatic. This talk will explore where science and technology come from, where they have taken us so far, and how to open the door for people who are imagining futures for everybody.

4:00-5:00 Reception with light refreshments provided by The Beckman Institute


Our past workshops include:

The 21st Century Scientist Workshop: Representation
April 29, 2016
8:30 AM – 5 PM
Beckman Institute

8:30-9:00: Registration
9:00- 10:30: Dr. Danielle Lee; Workshop:Bringing your identity to your outreach work
10:30-10:45: Coffee break
10:45-12:00: Danielle Ruffatto; Workshop: Make your data point: maximizing clarity with data visualization
12:00 – 12:45: Diana Yates; News stories, a discussion
12:50 – 2:00: Lunch with campus outreach programs
2:00-2:45: Dr. Jerrod Henderson; Programs that engage underrepresented K-12 students in STEM
2:45-3:00: Break
3:00-4:00: Dr. Danielle Lee; Public Keynote Talk: Doing the work of broadening participation in science
4:00-5:00 Reception and tours of the Beckman Visualization Laboratory


About the workshop:

We hope to challenge each other to discuss questions such as: Who is represented in science? How is science represented in the media? How can you better represent scientific results? How can we represent a more diverse and inclusive version of science?

We welcome Danielle Lee as our keynote speaker as she reflects on how identity has shaped her career and outreach trajectories thus far. Dr. Danielle Lee, aka “The Urban Scientist” at Scientific American, is a postdoc at Cornell who studies how ecology and evolutionary components contribute to the behavior of animals. In addition to providing our keynote, she will lead a workshop on bringing your identity into your science outreach and science communication. Danielle Ruffatto, Education & Outreach Specialist for the Prarie Research Institute at the Illinois Natural History Survey will lead a workshop where we learn how to visually represent data for a variety of outreach and communication formats. Diana Yates, from the University of Illinois News Bureau, will present data and lead discussion on which types research stories from the News Bureau press releases are picked up and reported in the New York Times.

During lunchtime (lunch is included), you will have time to chat with one another about all of the cool things that you are learning. We also are inviting campus outreach organizations to help spark ideas for attendees and open door.

This exciting conference is being put together by a dedicated team of faculty, graduate students, and staff across departments at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign. This effort is financially supported by the Beckman Institute and the UIUC Focal Point Initiative.

Speakers included: Dr. Danielle LeeDanielle RuffattoDiana Yates, and Dr. Jerrod Henderson


Our first workshop:

Friday, April 17, 2015

The 21st Century Scientists Workshop at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign provides a forum for scientists, communicators, and other interested folks to stretch their abilities and works toward creating a more inclusive and accessible version of science for both scientists and the public.

The workshop included a panel on alternative and traditional science careers.

Panelists: Patricia Jones, Christine Herman, George Chacko, Miriam Goldstein